Our Vision

The Uhuru Foundation envisions a world where the most vulnerable youth and families have the power and resources to lift themselves out of poverty to upward social and economic mobility that will enable them to create healthy lifestyles for their families and communities.

Our Mission

The Uhuru Foundation is committed to creating pathways for transformation and success for both youth and adults impacted by the criminal justice system. Our mission is to disrupt the cycles of incarceration by implementing targeted interventions: providing diversion programs designed to engage and rehabilitate youth in the juvenile justice system, offering transitional housing to support adult returning citizens in their reentry journey, and ensuring access to digital literacy and workforce development programs specifically tailored for adults preparing to reenter and currently navigating society post-incarceration. Through these distinct yet interconnected initiatives, we empower young individuals and adults to rebuild their lives, contribute positively to their communities, and secure a future filled with opportunity, dignity, and hope.